Celsius into fahrenheit or fahrenheit into Celsius in C language
0Hasnain AltafMay 07, 2022
Write a program to Convert temperature Celsius into fahrenheit or fahrenheit into Celsius
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main(){ float c,f,temp,temp1; int selector; printf("Enter 1 to convert fahrenheit to celcius OR Enter 2 to convert celsius to fahrenheit\n"); scanf("%d",&selector); if (selector==1) { printf("Enter temperature in fahrenheit: "); scanf("%f",&f); temp=(f-32.0)*5.0/9.0; printf("temerature in celsius is %.2f",temp); } else if (selector==2) { printf("Enter temperature in Celsius: "); scanf("%f",&c); temp1 = c*(9.0/5.0)+32; printf("Temprature in fahrenheit is %.2f ",temp1); } else { printf("invalid choice"); } return 0; }